Bold, graphic contemporary communication to express Funky Farm and all it represents to collaborators and
potential students.
I suggested we work with green where possible at the
farm in all the areas that trainees and guests will access.
My thinking is that green represents growth, it’s soothing and nurturing, and it is the colour of the leaves that feed the peri peri, the little factories that support and supply energy to the fruit that’s the flavour and fire of our business.
The woven grass furniture that is available on the street side in Moz is wonderful and unique, and by painting the pieces we can add a unique custom element to our interiors. Painting woven furniture green is one strong element we can add to the identity of the Urban Peri Farm.
By using green the red of the chillies stands out, interiors are backdrops to work and life. My suggested colour palette was white for all buildings, green to add pops of colour and an identity element and black to ground
and define things.
Peri Urban