Touch, taste, hear, smell, see; we're all familiar with the very basic human senses. It goes without saying that a fully realised and fully functioning interior can tickle all the senses and give the end-user an experience they'll want to keep coming back for.
As an interior designer I get to experience this first-hand, the privilege and challenge of creating engaging and authentic spaces for Nando's. This in turn guides me in my role as the creative director of the Nando's design programme to recognise and link the existing potential I see in the creative design and craft communities of SA.
I get to harness and amplify the potential of our designers-makers and vision links that enhance the Nando's design approach. While the chicken and the vibey environment of Nando's restaurants – casas as we affectionally call them – have the taste and hearing covered, it's largely up to the interiors to cover the rest, and each light, each chair, and every single pattern on the wall represents thousands of hours of work, hundreds of hands and minds, and together much of the product represents millions of Rands going into the South African economy.
Cape Town
July 2017