When designing Sea Point Nando's the intention was to create a fresh, simple interior that was both bold and graphic and consciously original. The design strongly supports our principles of nurturing local talent and embracing differences and celebrating the vibrant energy of the area.
There is a strong urban street feel in the graphic interpretation of the black and white chevrons and stripes, with vibrant pops of colour. The fashion culture of soccer and the proximity to the Cape Town Stadium inspired this design. In addition we included a collection of large hand-crafted soccer-inspired embroideries by Kaross.
Local design is represented in furniture and lighting by David Krynauw, Pedersen + Lennard, Raw Studios and Abode. We included lights by finalists in the Nando's Hot Young Talent Design competition, including Buhle Bulbs by Samantha Foaden, Tutu 2.0 Lights by Thabisa Mjo, Painted and Beaded Necklace Lights by Candice Lawrence and a Can Beam Chandelier by 16 year-old Tulsha Booysen.
Photographs: Andrea van der Spuy
Nando' Seapoint
Cape Town
May 2016